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Meridian Engineering is Growing

By May 3, 2016June 20th, 2016News and Updates


Increasing our ability to better serve our clients.

Ryan Nuesmeyer, PE recently joined Meridian Engineering! Ryan has experience with all aspects of roadway design ranging from freeway interchange design, roadway reconstructions, traffic signals, and multi-use trail facilities. Ryan has worked with private entities, municipalities, and UDOT to complete several recent projects. Ryan is also experienced with traffic modeling and crash analysis and recently co-authored an article in the April 2016 ITE Journal, discussing the effectiveness of safety improvements on a local arterial facility in Sandy, Utah. Merging his experience as a former UDOT engineer with his consulting experience, Ryan understands our clients needs and will proactively work to find solutions.

We welcome Ryan to Meridian as another well-qualified professional ready to serve your needs!